Went to a holiday party out in Agoura Hills last night. Big house up in the hills. We were talking about whether I could stand living someplace like that. 10 years ago, I would have said absolutely not. Now, it's more like probably not. But mostly still best to have friends you can visit who live in houses like that.
The Latest
I have a knitting project - a hat, to be exact - that has been sitting in my drawer unfinished because I can't bring myself to pick up stitches around the edge to do the brim. Note to self: never start a pattern that needs stitches to be picked up.
Such odd feelings this morning. The mister left in the wee hours for back-to-back out-of-town shoots (Bardstown then Albuquerque) and won't be back until nearly Christmas. I am simultaneously thrilled and bereft. It'll be lovely to center myself and lay groundwork for my projects, but I'm absolutely dreading a solo run through most of the holiday season. Why can't things just be all good once in a while?
I've moved this site to Pelican, and away from 11ty. Having it in 11ty was just too much of a hurdle for me - it's written in a language I don't know, and the monthly updates to the system were too stress-inducing. Never felt like I could keep up. So I've got everything moved over to Pelican, which is written in Python, which I at least have a passing knowledge of. They seem to do a release every 12-18 months, which is much more my speed (and I have it running in a virtual environment, which seems more immune to MUST UPDATE NOW.) In looking at the site again, there's lots I want to change, but what I really want to do is write, so I'll get on that first.
To Laptop or Not to Laptop
Ah, Apple, always stirring up the ooh shiny desires. Here's a quick take on the new iPad (and Pencil!) announcement today, and thoughts on juggling the different form factors of modern computing machines.
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